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How to Specify Web Directors

Webdirectors are optional, and are used when systems require two or more webengines. Webdirectors act to balance the load between the webengines. Zero or more webdirectors can exist. Each webdirector balances the load among two or more webengines.

To specify a webdirector, do the following steps:

  1. Indicate the hostname.

    If the webdirector is on the primary server, enter “primary”; otherwise, enter the name of the secondary server. The secondary server name is the NX_LOCAL_HOST entry in the NX.env file on the secondary server.

    Note: Case is important.

  2. (Optional) Specify the CGI interface.

    In most cases, the default value is appropriate. If you are using an HTTP server, like IIS or Apache, this value is the CGI executable that runs in response to a CGI request (the name of the CGI executable). Create copies of the pdmweb.exe in the $NX_ROOT/bopcfg/www/wwwroot directory with this name. If you are using a servlet server like Tomcat, a sample web.xml.tpl file is created. You use this file to replace the web.xml.tpl file in the $NX_ROOT/bopcfg/www/CATALINA_BASE/webapps/CAisd/WEB-INF directory of the specific server. Each sample web.xml.tpl file is created in the current directory and is named <hostname>-web.xml.tpl.