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How to Set Up Notification Replies to Update Tickets

The Text API daemon (pdm_text_nxd) creates and updates tickets with information from external interfaces, such as the command line and email. You can set up mail to use the Text API so that users (contacts) can update tickets by replying to email notifications. The text of the reply is added as a log comment activity to the ticket.

To set up notification replies to update tickets, do the following:

  1. Set the notification method that the contact uses to pdm_mail –T reply_email_address or pdm_mail –F reply_email_address. The reply_email_address specifies the incoming address for the mailbox. When the contact clicks reply on an email that address is filled in from the From or Reply-To address of the message to which they are replying.

    -T sets the Reply-To address. -F sets the From address, which is used as the reply address if a separate one is not specified.

    Note: Some mail programs do not or cannot honor a Reply-To address.

  2. Create or update a mailbox rule using a Text API keyword.

    The user-defined artifacts in the mailbox rule filters replace the following Text API keywords:


Text API Keyword

















  1. Create or update a notification phrase that matches the rule.
  2. Create or update a message template that uses the notification phrase.
  3. Update the mailbox rule that you created in Step 2 to specify the message template that you created or updated in Step 4.

Note: For information about performing each step, see the Online Help.

After the user receives the notification and replies to it, the following actions occur:

  1. When the filter string is found, the relevant ticket ID keyword and value denoted by the placeholder, if any, are appended to the message.
  2. If a matching ticket ID artifact is found, the corresponding ticket is updated, with either a log comment, a new description, or other values in accordance with the text, keywords, and commands in the message.
  3. If a matching ticket ID artifact is not found, a ticket is created with a description and other parameters in accordance with the text, keywords, and commands in the message.