Previous Topic: Configuration Item-Based Auto Assignments

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How Configuration Item-Based Auto Assignment Works

Request/Incident/Problem tickets must specify the following for configuration item-based auto assignment to occur:

When an analyst creates and assigns a ticket to this Area, or changes the Area on an existing ticket, CA SDM examines the Assignable CI Attribute field of the Area. CA SDM uses the value of Assignable CI Attribute as the name of an attribute and then attempts to find an identically named attribute on the configuration item that is associated with the ticket. If the attribute on the configuration item includes a group, the ticket is assigned to that group.

The following diagram describes the process for configuration item-based auto assignment in more detail:

  1. CA SDM checks for the following:
    1. Is the autoasg_override option set?
    2. Does a ticket specify an Area with its Auto Assignment auto_assign_mode=2?
    3. Does the category specify an assignable CI attribute?
    4. Does the ticket specify a configuration item?
    5. Does the configuration item have an assignable CI attribute value?
    6. Does the value specify a group in the CI attribute?
    7. Is the assignee of the ticket a member of the ticket group?
  2. When the answers are positive for all questions in the previous step, CA SDM sets the group attribute of the ticket to the group attribute of the CI, and logs the assignment in the activity log.

    Note: The diagram shows how Configuration Item-Based Auto Assignment uses the NX_CHECK_ASSIGNEE_IN_AREA_DEFAULTS variable to determine if the Area option is enabled. NX_CHECK_ASSIGNEE_IN_AREA_DEFAULTS is a variable in the NX.env file, which is located in the $NX_ROOT\ directory.

  3. CA SDM assigns the ticket to the group.


More information:

Auto Assignment Override