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How to Auto Assign Tickets to a Group and Not to Contacts Within the Group

Auto assignment in CA SDM assigns tickets to contacts that have the Available option selected in the contact record. However, you can auto assign incidents/issues/change orders/requests to a group and not to contacts within the group. The NX_AUTOASG_GROUP_ONLY option controls the auto assignment behavior for groups. You install this option to auto assign the tickets to the group instead of individual contacts. NX_AUTOASG_GROUP_ONLY is not available on the web interface, you install it from the command prompt.

To auto assign tickets to the group and not to individual contacts in the group

  1. Verify that your CA SDM installation is at a minimum level of Release 12.7 Cumulative 2 patch.
  2. Open the command prompt on the CA SDM server.
  3. Run the following command:
    pdm_options_mgr -c -s AUTOASG_GROUP_ONLY -v 1 -a pdm_option.inst

    By default, new options that you add to the nx.env file are not saved after you run pdm_configure. You can save the changes permanently by specifying the -t option as follows:

    pdm_options_mgr -c -s AUTOASG_GROUP_ONLY -v 1 -a pdm_option.inst -t

    The commands update the following files in CA SDM with the new option:

  4. Open the NX.env file in the CA SDM installation folder and search for the variable @NX_AUTOASG_GROUP_ONLY=1 (it is located the end of the file).
  5. Open the file nx.env.nt.tpl present under NX_ROOT/pdmconf and search for the @NX_AUTOASG_GROUP_ONLY=1 option.
  6. Restart Unicenter ServiceDesk Daemon Server service.

    CA SDM auto assigns the tickets to the group only.