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Next Topic: Determine the Scope of Rogue Changes to the Attribute

Gather Information about Changes to a Managed Attribute

You want to gather information about changes to a specific CI managed attribute to identify, what CIs are being updated, what are the source of the changes, who is making the changes, and the values being specified to help when defining a verification strategy for the attribute and corresponding CIs. For example, you want to understand the scope of all changes to IP Address (alarm_id) and log this to the CA SDM standard log (stdlog). Gathering this information can take several weeks, depending on the number of changes to attributes that occur in your organization.

  1. Define IP Address (alarm_id) as a Managed Attribute.
  2. Define Implementation in Progress and Verification in Progress as Managed Change States in your environment and enable Change Verification Active in both states.
  3. Create a verification policy named Policy1.1 with the following information:
  4. Click Save.
  5. After a few weeks, review the stdlogs to view the sources of the updates.

    For example, the log displays rogue CI updates and updates with matching Change Orders.

  6. You determine that users located in NY have been updating the IP Address of CIs without creating Change Orders.
  7. After you complete your analysis, inactivate Policy1.1 by editing the policy and setting Active? to Inactive.