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Format an Email Message To Update a Ticket

A user can format an email message to create or update a ticket.

To format an email message to create or update a ticket, use the following fields:


Specifies the mailbox name assigned to the CA SDM contact set up for the privileged user.


Specifies the person sending the email. The person must be defined in the ca_contact table unless the Allow Anonymous option is specified in the applicable mailbox rule.

Note: The From address is typically part of your email program configuration, and it is not typically set on a per-message basis.


Attaches documents and other files to the email to send attachments to the Text API.


Matches keywords in a mailbox rule filter string, particularly when creating a ticket.


Specifies the message body of the email using the Text API. You can specify the keyword ISSUE_ID, REQUEST_ID, or CHANGE_ID, depending on the type of ticket to create or update a ticket.