The following examples show input that you can use in the body of an email message or in a file serving as input to the command-line interface.
Example: First Line Does Not Include a Keyword
In this example, because the first line is missing a %keyword in the first column, the literal %DESCRIPTION= is added to the beginning of the message. This addition sets the description field to “This entire text goes to the description field” (with the line break intact, because ISSUE.DESCRIPTION is included in the list of fields for the LINEFEEDS_ALLOWED entry in the [OPTIONS] section of text_api.cfg).
This entire text goes into the description field %PRIORITY=None
Example: First Line Includes a Keyword
In this example, the PRIORITY keyword is defined in text_api.cfg so that it performs a lookup to convert the value you specify to match the corresponding value that is stored in the database. Here, the value None is converted to 0, which is the underlying database value for the priority symbol 1. This feature lets users specify the value as they would in the web interface.
%description=This is my description %priority=None %CATEGORY=Upgrade.PC %PROPERTY={{Current CPU}}266 mhz %PROPERTY={{Current Harddrive}}1 gig %PROPERTY={{Requested Upgrade}}4 gig harddrive
The specified values are used to set the description and priority fields for the ticket, similar to the previous example (notice that keyword case is unimportant).
The value of Upgrade.PC is searched, and the category field for the ticket is set appropriately.
Matching the following labels sets the three property values:
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