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The Configuration File

The text_api.cfg file defines the keywords that are related directly to the fields of the various tables that you can update. You use this file both as a reference to find certain predefined values, such as keywords, and as a mechanism for configuring the Text API, although the default configuration file works for most installations without modification.

The text_api.cfg file is located in the following directory:

The configuration file is divided into sections, with particular attributes defined within each section. Attribute definitions are of the following form:


None of the keywords are case-sensitive, whereas all values (except in the [OPTIONS] section) are case-sensitive.

Note: You can view and modify the text_api.cfg file using any text editor.

Important! If you are integrating with the CA NSM Alert Management Systems component, you must update text_api.cfg for any additional fields that are passed to CA SDM.

More information:
