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Email Options

The email interface sends email notifications and lets users create tickets from an email. The email options let you configure the outgoing mail protocols.


Specifies the mail notification From: address. The address is in the format Displayname<>.


Specifies the SMTP server login password.


Specifies the SMTP server login userid.


Specifies the maximum number of concurrent SMTP connections that can attempt to communicate with the server.


Defines the reply to address for email notifications. This option is useful if emails are sent from one user account, but you want replies sent to another email address. The default value is the same as the from address.


Defines the domain name that some SMTP servers that understand the ESMTP protocols require. You can clear the domain name by setting the value to NONE.


Specifies a space-separated list of SMTP host names for email notifications.


Specifies an SMTP port to override the default STMP port.


Specifies the SMTP security level. Valid settings are: 0=no security, 1=basic authentication, 2=NTLM, 3=MD5 and 4=LOGIN. If you set this option to 1, set the mail_login_password and mail_login_userid options. Most STMP servers do not require authentication.