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Define a Change Order Stored Query

Defining the stored queries that are available to users on the Change Order scoreboard is an administrative task. You can modify the predefined stored queries that are installed with CA SDM, or define your own.

To define a Change Order stored query

  1. Select Service Desk, Application Data, Stored Queries on the Administration tab.

    The Stored Query List appears.

  2. Select the stored query you want to edit.

    The Stored Query Detail page appears.

  3. Click Edit.

    The Update Stored Query page appears.

  4. Edit the field values as appropriate.
  5. Click Save, Close Window.

    The updated stored query appears in the Stored Query List.

Example: Define a Stored Query to List Change Orders Assigned to a CAB to Which the Logged In User Belongs

This example demonstrates how you can create a stored query that lists only change orders that are assigned to a CAB to which the logged in user belongs.

To create the stored query

  1. Navigate the Scoreboard to the Update Stored Query page.
  2. Edit the field values as follows:
    1. Select Scoreboard Usage.
    2. Set Type to Change Order.
    3. Enter the Where clause:
      cab.[group]group_list.member IN ( AND active = 1
  3. Click Save, Close Window.

    The stored query appears in the Stored Query List.

More information:

CAB Console and Reporting