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Create a Web Form Record

Administrators can create customized web forms to be the starting pages for tabs, reports to display on tabs, "go button" resources, or another URL.

To create a web form

  1. From the Administration tab, navigate to Security and Role Management, Role Management, Web Forms.

    The Web Forms List page displays.

  2. Click Create New.

    The Create New Web Form page displays.

  3. Complete the following fields:
    Web Form Name

    (Required) Specifies the name that identifies the web form.

    Record Status

    Indicates whether this form is active or inactive.


    (Required) Specifies the code that identifies the web form to the system. After the code is defined, it cannot be changed.

    Note: This field specifies the web_form_name on the Properties tab for a multiframe form in Web Screen Painter.


    Specifies one of the following types of web form that you are creating:

    • HTMPL page—Displays a web page to use as the starting page for one of the custom tabs you create.
    • Report—Specifies a CA SDM report that displays on any tab.
    • Go Resource—Specifies a "Go Button" resource.
    • Other—Accesses any other external Web page through URL.

    Describes the web form. Use this description to further identify this web form, where it displays, and its purpose.


    Specifies the code that calls the web form. This code can be command line code or a URL.

    Example: Open a simple htmpl form "menu_tab_dflt.htmpl":


    Click Save.