Previous Topic: Display New Reports on the Reports Tab

Next Topic: Step 2: Create a Mutliframe Page and Assign the New Reports

Step 1: Create Two Web Form Records to Call the New Reports

By default, the Reports tab contains two reporting frames that let authorized users display new reports. In this step, you will create two web form records and define the URLs that point to the new reports.

To create two web form records to call the reports

  1. From the Administration tab, navigate to Security and Role Management, Role Management, Web Forms.

    The Web Forms List page appears.

  2. Click Create New.

    The Create New Web Form page appears.

  3. Fill in the following fields:
    Web Form Name

    Specify a name that identifies the web form. This is a required field.

    Example: Asset List report

    Record Status

    Specify active.


    Specify a unique code value that identifies the web form to the system. After the code is defined, it cannot be changed.

    Example: asset_list

    Note: Make a note of the value you enter in the Code field.


    Select Report.


    (Optional) Enter a brief description of the web form.


    Specify the URL that calls the new report.

    Example: Open the Asset List web form from the Web Form list in Role Management and specify the URL that appears in this form.

  4. Click Save.

    The web form definition is saved and the Web Form Detail page appears.

  5. Repeat steps 1-3 to create a second web form record that will call the second report URL. Make a note of the value entered in the Code field.