Previous Topic: Step 1: Create Two Web Form Records to Call the New Reports

Next Topic: Step 3: Create a Start Page for the Reports Tab

Step 2: Create a Mutliframe Page and Assign the New Reports

In Web Screen Painter, create a multiframe web page with two vertical frames called a Frameset. Then, assign the web form records created in step 1 to this Frameset.

Note: You can create this page with any number of frames. Be aware that adding additional frames will limit visibility on the Reports tab.

To create a multiframe page and assign the reports

  1. In Web Screen Painter, select File, New.

    The New Form dialog box appears.

  2. Fill in the interface and form group fields as appropriate.
  3. Select multiframe.template from the File Name list.
  4. Click New.

    The multiframe.htmpl window appears.

  5. Select Controls, Insert Frameset.

    The Insert Frameset dialog box appears.

  6. Do not change the default settings and click OK.

    Two vertical frames appear in the Frameset.

  7. Right-click the left vertical frame and select Properties from the short-cut menu.

    The Properties - Frameset dialog box appears.

  8. Select the blank field next to the web_form_name attribute, then click the (...) button.

    The Enter Web Form Name dialog box appears.

  9. Specify the code value of the first report.

    Example: asset_list

  10. After the report web form name is found, click Validate.
  11. Right-click the right vertical frame, specify the code value of the second report, then validate the report.
  12. Save the multiframe.htmpl page. Make a note of this file name.

    Example: report_mframe.htmpl

  13. Select File, Publish.

    Publishing makes the form available to all CA SDM users. For the Analyst role, the file is available in the following location: Program Files/CA/Service Desk/Site/mods/www/htmpl/web/analyst/report_mframe.htmpl.

    Note: When searching for multiframe web forms in CA SDM, navigate to Security and Role Management, Role Management, Web Forms on the Administration tab. The Code column specifies the web_form_name on the Properties tab for a multiframe form in Web Screen Painter.