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Create a Personalized Response

You can create a personalized response to append to requests, issues, and change order records.

To create a personalized response

  1. From the Administration tab, navigate to Service Desk, Personal Responses.

    The Personal Response list page displays.

  2. Click Create New.

    The Create New Personalized Response page displays.

  3. Complete the fields on the page:
    Response Owner

    Specifies the contact who owns the response. If this field is left blank, the response is available to all analysts.


    Specifies the text delivered to all those who receive this response. This field can be up to 1000 characters long.

    You can use variables in this field, for example:

    Ticket ref_num: @{call_req_id.ref_num} 
    Assignee: @{call_req_id.assignee.combo_name}
    Customer: @{call_req_id.customer.combo_name}
    Description: @{call_req_id.description}
  4. Select the type of records for which you want this response available. Click Save.

    A personalized response is created.