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Configure the Microsoft Internet Information Server

You can configure Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) to notify the browser that files loaded from the CA SDM directory expire one day after loading. This means that the browser queries the server for these files only once a day, regardless of how many times they are used.

To configure the Microsoft Internet Information Server

  1. Launch the Internet Services Manager application (for Windows 2000 and XP, select Programs, Administrative Tools, Internet Services Manager).
  2. Navigate to the CA SDM file folder, which is typically CAisd:
    1. Click the plus sign adjacent to the server running the CA SDM web interface.
    2. Click the plus sign adjacent to Default Web Site.
    3. Scroll down to CAisd.
  3. Right-click the CAisd folder, and select Properties.

    The Properties page appears.

  4. Click the HTTP Headers tab.
  5. Select the Enable Content Expiration check box.
  6. Select the Expire After option, enter 1 into the text field, and select a day from the drop-down list.
  7. Click OK.

    The properties are saved and the changes take effect immediately.