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Configure Apache

You can configure Apache to notify the browser that files loaded from the CA SDM directory expire one day after loading. This configuration means that the browser queries the server about these files only once per day, regardless of how many times they are used.

You configure Apache by updating a text configuration file. The default installation modifies your active configuration file in the apache conf directory (typically httpd.conf) to contain the statement:

Include installation-directory/bopcfg/www/CAisd_apache.conf

Installation-directory must be replaced with a full path. On Windows, this path is typically c:\Program Files\CA\CA SDM. On UNIX, replace installation-directory with the value of $NX_ROOT.

The file CAisd_apache.conf, which is referenced by the Include statement, contains the following text. Again, installation-directory is replaced with the full path as it was in the Include statement.

<IfModule mod_alias.c>
	Alias /CAisd installation-directory/bopcfg/www/wwwroot/
	<IfModule mod_expires.c>
   		<Directory installation-directory/bopcfg/www/wwwroot>
      		ExpiresActive   On
      		ExpiresDefault  "access plus 1 day"

To configure Apache manually for browser caching of CA SDM files, include statements similar to those in CAisd_apache.conf in your Apache configuration file. You can either add them directly to the file, or add an Include statement referencing a separate file, like the default installation.

Changes to Apache configuration files take effect only after you recycle Apache.