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Configure Status Transitions

You can configure a subset of the full status list and specify the default next status of a ticket based on the current status. Transitions are enforced when the status is changed on the ticket detail form.

To configure status transitions

  1. Click the Transitions tab at the bottom of the ticket's status detail page.

    The Transitions List page shows all valid transitions for the status.

    Note: When configured, linked transition types appear on the Incident and Request Transition list.

  2. Click the Update Transitions button.

    The Update Ticket Status Transitions page appears.

  3. Configure the following check boxes as appropriate:

    Specifies a valid transition for the status. Use this option to restrict status workflows.


    (Optional) Specifies the default status transition. CA SDM applies the default transition when a user clicks the default transition button on the ticket detail form, or when a user (including a web services user) updates the status to a <d> value. There is only one default transition for each status (or one for each tenant in a multi-tenanted system).

    Must Comment

    (Optional) Specifies that an activity log comment for the transition is required when changing the status on a ticket.

    Note: This option applies to CA SDM tickets only. It does not apply to other areas, such as web services or the edit in list functionality.

  4. (Optional) Select a status code in the Name column to update its details.
  5. Click Save.

    The list of transitions configured for the new status appears on the Transition list. When the analyst selects the Status drop-down on the ticket form, the new status list appears.

Note: For detailed procedural information about defining status transitions, see the Online Help.