Previous Topic: How To Calculate the Ambiguity Index

Next Topic: Configuration File Format

cmdb_update_ambiguity Command

You can calculate CI and CI transaction ambiguity indexes by entering command syntax similar to the following:

cmdb_update_ambiguity [parameters] -m { ci | twa | all }

For command parameters, see cmdb_update_ambiguity Parameters.

By default, the CI scan is done from the last scan date. If "-full 1" is specified, a complete scan is performed.

Example: Calculate CI ambiguity on a Microsoft SQL Server database

The following command calculates the ambiguity index for all existing CIs and Transactions in the TWA:

cmdb_update_ambiguity -m all -d MSSQL -u servicedesk -p dbpassword -s dbserver1

Example: Calculate CI ambiguity on an Oracle database

The following command calculates the ambiguity index for CIs and specifies database information.

cmdb_update_ambiguity -m ci -d Oracle -u mdbadmin -p dbpassword -s server1 -port 1521 -SID orcl
How To Use a Configuration File

You can specify many cmdb_update_ambiguity parameters in a configuration file. You can use the configuration file to secure parameter settings in an encrypted form using operating system tools. The valid keywords and the corresponding command-line options are listed in the parameter table.

Note: If you specify a parameter both on the command line and in a configuration file, the command-line value overrides the value in the configuration file.

Example: Use a configuration file to specify the parameters for a Microsoft SQL Server database

The following command runs the configuration file ambiguity_mssql.cfg.

cmdb_update_ambiguity -m all -c ambiguity_mssql.cfg