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cmdb_update_ambiguity Parameters

You can specify parameters on the command line or in a configuration file (some parameters are command-line only). On the command line, use quotation marks ("") to enclose any path name with spaces; in the configuration file, do not use quotation marks. If any parameter is specified on the command line and also in the configuration file, the command-line value overrides the configuration file value.

The cmdb_update_ambiguity command takes the following parameters:


Configuration File Keyword





twa, ci, all

(Required) Command line only

twa = compute ambiguity on TWA only.

ci = compute ambiguity for CIs only.

all = compute ambiguity for CIs and TWA.



MSSQL or Oracle

(Required. Windows only.)

Database type. On Linux/UNIX, only Oracle is supported and this option is not needed.



<db user name>


Database user name. A user name with spaces must be enclosed in double quotation marks (for example: -u "sys as sysdba"). The quotation marks are not required in the configuration file.



<db password>


Password for database user. A password with spaces must be enclosed in double quotation marks (for example: -p "secret code"). The quotation marks are not required in the configuration file.



<configuration file>

(Optional) Command line only

Full pathname of configuration file. Must be enclosed in double quotes if there is a space in the pathname.



<directory to place log file>


Log file directory. The Default is the NX_ROOT\log directory.





Level of detail to write to the log file. Default value is ERROR.



<server name>


Database server host name. To use a Microsoft SQL Server named instance, specify server\\instance on the command line, or server\\\\instance in the configuration file.



<CI uuid>


Compute ambiguity for the specified CI and all CIs that are ambiguous with it.




(Optional) Command line only

Optimizes the performance of the scan by only considering those CIs updated since the last time the utility was run.

If set to 1, forces a full scan of all CIs in the computation of the ambiguity index. The default is 0. This parameter does not apply to the calculation of transaction ambiguity. The utility always evaluates all transactions in the TWA.



<port number>

(Required. Oracle only)

Oracle port number



<SID name>

(Required. Oracle only)

Oracle SID name





Prints help usage message.



<db schema name>


Default is mdbadmin for Oracle; or dbo for Microsoft SQL Server.