Previous Topic: View Configuration Items

Next Topic: Update a Configuration Item

Create a Configuration Item

The Scoreboard lets you create a configuration item.

To create a configuration item

  1. From the Scoreboard, click File, New Configuration Item.

    The Create New Configuration Item page appears.

  2. Enter a unique name for the configuration item in the Name field.
  3. Enter the class for the configuration item in the Class field or click the search icon above the field to locate a class.
  4. Complete any remaining fields that apply to the new configuration item.

    Note: Only Name and Class are required values for creating a configuration item.

  5. Click Continue.

    The Create New Configuration Item page displays additional tabs and fields.

  6. Enter data as required in the appropriate fields on the Attributes tab.

    The attributes that appear on the tab are determined by the family of the class that you selected for the configuration item. The information that you enter here is determined by your business processes and the information you want to store and view for a configuration item.

  7. Click Save.

    A message appears that confirms the configuration item creation.