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CA Workflow

A CA Workflow process definition can be associated with any CA SDM ticket type. The process definition that is applied to individual tickets is determined by the change category, issue category, or request/incident/problem area the ticket is assigned to.

If a CA Workflow process definition is associated with a category or area, when a ticket is assigned to that category or area, CA Workflow creates a process instance from the definition. Progress of the process instance is displayed on ticket's Workflow Tasks tab.

You can optionally install CA Workflow during CA SDM installation, or you may direct CA SDM to use a different instance of CA Workflow by updating several options in Options Manager, including:


Specifies the CA EEM user who has full access (grants to the “IDE” and “Process” resources) to CA Workflow.


Specifies the password for the cawf_username.


Specifies the location: http://<server>:8090/pm/


Specifies the URL: http://<wf_hostname>:<wf_tomcat_port>/pm/services/pmService2


Specifies the location: http://<server>:8090/wl/


Specifies the URL: http://<server>:8090/wl/services/wlService

These options specify various end points to CA Workflow. In most cases, you simply update the server and port to match the location of CA Workflow.

Important! Changing the CA Workflow server makes existing categories, areas, or tickets linked to process definitions and process instances on the old server inoperative.