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Batch Update Contacts Using LDAP Data

You run the pdm_ldap_sync utility to update contact records in batch mode using LDAP data.

Important! This utility overwrites the existing tenant of the LDAP contact defined in CA SDM. If you want to retain the tenant value, you must modify NX.env by adding the NX_RETAIN_TENANT_VALUE variable manually, and set it to "yes". If this variable is set to "no", missing, or not set properly, the utility overwrites the tenant information.

Note: The pdm_ldap_sync utility synchronizes existing contacts with corresponding LDAP entries, but does not create contacts. You can use the pdm_ldap_import batch process to create contacts.

pdm_ldap_sync has the following syntax:

pdm_ldap_sync -l "ldap_where_clause" [-c "contact_where_clause"] [-u "userid"]
-l "ldap_where_clause"

Determines how to search for matching LDAP records. Replacement variables are indicated with the '?' character. For example, for userid = ?, the default value is id = ?. In this special case, id is mapped to the Contact attribute ldap_dn.

-c "contact_where_clause"

(Optional) Determines which contacts are used when searching for matching LDAP records.

Default: "ldap_dn IS NOT NULL"

-u "userid"

(Optional) Specifies the userid under which pdm_ldap_sync runs.

Note: You can use wildcards with pdm_ldap_sync to specify multiple records.


This example establishes a baseline of contact records that have a corresponding LDAP record:

pdm_ldap_sync -l "userid = ?" -c ""

This example uses the default parameters to update all contacts that have an LDAP distinguishedName:


This example updates a single contact:

pdm_ldap_sync -l "userid = ?" -c "userid = 'jsmith11'"

More information:

Batch Import Contacts Using LDAP Data