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Batch Import Contacts Using LDAP Data

You can run the pdm_ldap_import command-line utility to create CA SDM contacts in batch mode using LDAP data.

Note: In addition to creating contacts, pdm_ldap_import updates existing contacts if they are not synchronized with their corresponding LDAP entries. You can use the pdm_ldap_sync batch process to update existing contacts, but not create ones.

pdm_ldap_import has the following syntax:

pdm_ldap_import -l "ldap_where_clause" [-c "contact_where_clause"] [-u "userid"]
-l "ldap_where_clause"

Specifies the userids of LDAP records to be searched. Replacement variables are indicated with the '?' character. For example, for userid = ?. The default value is userid = ?. In this special case, id is mapped to the contact attribute ldap_dn.

Note: Use the keywords as defined in the ldap.maj file. You can also search by using the memberOf = 'group_dn' syntax.

-c "contact_where_clause"

(Optional) Specifies how to determine whether the contact record already exists. If the contact record does not exist, a new contact record is inserted. If the contact record does exist and is not synchronized with the current LDAP data, the contact record is updated.

-u "userid"

(Optional) Specifies the login name under which the pdm_ldap_import program runs.

Note: You can use wildcards with pdm_ldap_import to specify multiple records.

Examples: Batch Imports Using LDAP Data

This example imports a single LDAP record for userid jsmith11:

pdm_ldap_import -l "userid = 'jsmith11'"

This example imports all LDAP records with a userid that begins with the letter C:

pdm_ldap_import -l "userid = 'c%'"

This example imports all LDAP User records in the directory:

pdm_ldap_import -l "userid = '%'"

More information:

Batch Update Contacts Using LDAP Data