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Manually Override the Urgency Value

When you manually override the Urgency value on a ticket, the active priority calculation that manages the ticket type automatically adjusts the Priority value.

To manually override the Urgency value

  1. Open the details page for the incident you want to change.
  2. Change the Urgency value.

    If there is an active priority calculation that manages the ticket type, the Priority value automatically changes based on the settings in the priority calculation.

  3. Save the incident.

    The Activity Log on the Incident Detail page reflects the Urgency values changes.

Example: Manually Override the Urgency Value on a New Incident

  1. Create an incident.

    By default, the Urgency value is 3-Quickly. The Impact value is 3-Single Group. The Priority value is 3.

  2. Override the Urgency value to 5-Immediate.

    The Priority value automatically changes based on the values in the active priority calculation that manages incidents.

  3. Save the incident.

    The Activity Log on the Incident Detail page reflects the change in the Urgency value.