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Automatically Adjust Impact for a Problem or Incident

For Configuration Items defined with a family of Enterprise Service, you can automatically adjust the Impact value for problems or incidents. When you select the Problem or Incident Area and select an Affected Service, the impact adjusts according to the CI Service Impact settings for Enterprise Service CI’s and the priority calculation.

To automatically adjust Impact for a Problem of Incident

  1. Create a problem or incident for an Enterprise Service type CI.
  2. Select an Affected Service.
  3. Select a Problem or Incident Area.

    If there is an active priority calculation that manages the ticket type, the Impact value changes based on the Increment Impact value (used for Blackout Window impact assessment) in the priority calculation and the Service Impact value from the affected service.

    If you are using the default priority calculation, with a Service Impact for the Enterprise Service CI set to 1-Entire Organization, and the Problem or Incident is not opened within a Blackout Window the Impact value in the Problem or Incident is set to 1 and the Priority value on the ticket raises to a 2.

  4. Save the ticket.

    The Activity Log on the Incident Detail page reflects the Impact value’s changes.