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Define Issue Categories

You can define issue categories for which knowledge is suggested to customers and employees during ticket creation.

You can also mark the Suggest Knowledge feature as active or inactive. When you mark this feature as inactive, it is no longer available to customers and employees, but it remains available in the database for future use. If you decide to use this feature in the future, you can go back and mark it as active.

To define suggest knowledge issue categories

  1. On the Administration tab, browse to Knowledge, Service Desk Integration, Suggest Knowledge, Issue Categories.

    The Suggest Knowledge for Issue Categories page appears.

  2. Select the Do not suggest knowledge option to mark the Suggest Knowledge feature as active.

    Default: Inactive

    If you mark this feature active, the following options appear:

    By default knowledge will be:

    Indicates that you do want knowledge suggested for all issue categories except the definitions in the issue categories list.

    Not Suggested

    Indicates that you do not want knowledge suggested for all issue categories except the definitions in the issue categories list.

    For all Issue Categories except the following:

    Displays the list of request areas where knowledge is either suggested or not suggested to employees and customers in the self-service interface. The self-service user is not allowed to edit the request areas, they are read-only.

  3. Click one of the following buttons:

    Adds the selected request area to the list.


    Removes the selected request area from the list.

    Remove All

    Removes all request areas from the list.


    Saves the request area information to the knowledge base.

    Issue categories are defined.