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Modify Change Order Duration Background Color

You can change the background color of the change order duration. Modify the following lines in schedule.css to change the highlighting of the green change order duration bar.

To change the background color

  1. Open schedule.css.

    You can locate this file in the following directory:


    Important! $NX_ROOT\sdk also contains a file called schedule.css that contains helpful comments about css controls.

  2. Modify the following lines with the color code you want:
    td.withBorderBackColor{border-right:none;border-left:1px solid;background-color:#F6E3CE;}
  3. Save schedule.css.

In the following example, the change duration background color is #FF0000.

Example: Modify the Change Duration Background Color to #FF0000

td.withBorderBackColor{border-right:none;border-left:1px solid;background-color:#FF0000;}