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Add Web Engines

You can add web engines.

To add web engines

  1. From the web engine submenu, select a, and press Enter.

    A prompt requests the hostname.

  2. Press Enter to select the default value of Primary or enter a value for the hostname of the secondary server.
  3. Press Enter.

    A prompt requests the name of the object manager.

  4. Press Enter to accept the default value of <primary domsrvr> or manually enter a combination of aliases and domsrvr communication names, and press Enter.

    A prompt requests the web directory key.

  5. Press Enter to select the default value of Null (no web director), or enter one of the listed web directors by key value, and press Enter.

    A prompt requests the name for the CGI Interface.

  6. Press Enter to accept the displayed value, or manually enter a value, and press Enter.

    If a web director was not specified for this web engine, the web engine submenu appears. If a web director value was specified or previously existed in the web engine definition, a prompt requests that you specify the protocol to use as a prefix for the web engine redirecting URL value.

  7. Press Enter if you do not want to pre-append a protocol prefix to the URL redirection value.
  8. Enter http to attach the protocol prefix http for the redirection value unless SSL is enforced for this web engine. For example, enter https to attach the protocol prefix https into the redirection value.

    Note: If a web director has been defined for this web engine, the web director controls redirection to this web engine using the redirecting URL value. If the SSL protocol is not used for this web engine, specify http or none. If SSL protocol is to be enforced for this web engine, specify https. Failure to specify https for a web engine that is to be under SSL can result in a failed redirection attempt by the web director.

  9. Press Enter.

    The web engine submenu appears and the newly added web engine is listed.