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Priority Codes

Priority codes indicate a ranking order by which the service desk should respond to tickets (that is, they specify the level of attention a ticket should receive). Priority codes are referenced in requests, change orders, and issues; therefore, they apply to all service desk models.

You can use priorities to escalate tickets manually or automatically by monitoring events. In many service desk installations, priority codes are used on the scoreboard to provide analysts with a real-time status of their requests and change orders.

You can assign a service type to a priority code, which is then automatically assigned to tickets when the priority code is specified. This lets you associate a specific level of service to a ticket based on the assigned priority. For example, the system-defined service type, 4-hour resolution, is automatically associated with priority 1. Tickets that are assigned a priority of 1, therefore, are automatically assigned this service type, including all the service type events that are associated with the 4-hour resolution service type.

More information:

Service Level Agreements

How to Implement Service Types