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Narrow Your Search

Use the -f parameter with the pdm_ldap_test command to specify a filter to be added to the base filter for narrowing the search criteria. You must use appropriate LDAP syntax and LDAP schema attribute names in your filter. Surround your filter with double quotation marks and use parenthesis to clarify the order of operator precedence.

For example, use the following command to search for all records where sn=Account_10001:

pdm_ldap_test -f “(sn=Account_10001)”

The pdm_ldap_test utility supports the following equality operators:

Equality Operator



equal to


less than or equal to


greater than or equal to



The pdm_ldap_test utility supports the following Boolean operators:

Boolean Operator








The AND and OR operators affect each set of parenthesis () in the search filter. The NOT only affects the first set of parenthesis. Always place these operators before the search filters to be operated on, rather than between them. They can be applied to any number of filters, as shown in the following examples:

“(&(sn=Brown)(initials=A)) “