Previous Topic: Failed Search: Invalid SEARCH_BASE

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The search can fail with a SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED or TIMEOUT message if you specify a filter that does not sufficiently narrow the search. Most LDAP Servers limit the size of the result set returned from a search request. If you exceed this limit, you receive a SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED message. If your search request takes longer than the default timeout of 20 seconds, the LDAP server times out your request and you receive a TIMEOUT error message similar to the following:

Starting pdm_ldap_test...
LDAP service type=edirectory
Service Desk platform=windows
Using search base=o=SmartLabsx
Using filter=(&(objectClass=InetOrgPerson)
ldap_init(,15389): (Success)
ldap_bind_s() (Success)
LDAP API Verion 3
ldap_search_st() (TIMEOUT or SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED)