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Request/Incident/Problem Areas

Request areas define the logical groupings into which you can organize request, incident, and problem tickets. For example, tickets pertaining to an application can be assigned to the predefined Applications area. Whenever an analyst assigns a ticket to a request area, all the information you have associated with the request area is automatically entered on the ticket. For example, if you indicate a service type, it becomes associated with the ticket and all its associated service type events.

Note: The same area definitions are available for request, incident, and problem tickets. On the CA SDM Web Interface Administration tab, these areas are referred to as request/incident/problem areas. For brevity, they are referred to here simply as request areas.

You can set the status of any request area to active or inactive. When you make a request area inactive, it is no longer available for analysts to use, but it is not deleted from the database. If you decide later to use the request area, you need only change the status back to active.

You can use request areas to do the following:

The following predefined request areas are installed with CA SDM:

Note: For information about defining and editing request areas, see the Online Help.

More information:

Request/Incident/Problem Area Properties

Define Request/Incident/Problem Areas for Self-Service