Previous Topic: Activity Logging

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Enable Activity Logging for Additional Attributes

Activity logs display changes attribute values of objects. Objects such as all ticket types, classic workflow tasks, Surveys, Contacts, and Configuration Items feature activity logging. You can enable activity logging for additional attributes In WSP.

Note: You can view activity log simple attributes, including strings, integers, date, duration, and SREL types. You cannot view activity logs for list types, such as QRELs and BRELs.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open WSP and start the Schema Designer.
  2. Select the table that you want to modify, and add additional attributes.
  3. For each attribute, add +AUDITLOG() to the site-defined UI_INFO field.

    Important! When you add the AUDITLOG flag, you must also remove the val_fieldupdate_site() function to prevent duplicate activity logs.

  4. Save and publish the schema
  5. Open WSP again and add the new attributes to the appropriate detail forms.
  6. Open CA SDM and define an Activity Association for the additional attributes.
  7. Test your changes.

    For example, open a previously-saved instance of the object and modify the affected attributes to verify that the appropriate activity logs appear.