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Create a Verification Policy for the Managed Attribute

The Verification Policy specifies the CACF action when an MDR discovers an attribute value, and attempts to update the CMDB with that data.

Follow these steps:

  1. On the Administration tab, click CA CMDB, Configuration Control, Verification Policies.
  2. Click Create New to open the detail page.
  3. Enter 1000 as the policy Sequence.

    Note: You can enter a higher or lower number, based on other verification policy priorities in your environment.

  4. Enter a Policy Name, such as RAM Management and a brief description of the policy.
  5. Select Rogue Insert and Rogue Updates under Change Order Alignment.
  6. If you want the policy to prevent a specific MDR from updating the Memory Installed (phys_mem) attribute, complete the following tasks:

    Note: If you only want to allow updates to this attribute from a user logged in through the web interface, enter Web Client as the MDR Name Pattern.

  7. Click Save.
  8. Close the page.