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The following applications provide CA MIM environment automation.


Responds to problem related CA MIM API events.

The MIM2211 API event: This API event triggers when CA MIM detects a delay to a VARY ONLINE/OFFLINE request to a tape drive. The default logic within this API rule allows the VARY ONLINE/OFFLINE request to pend for 90 seconds before aborting back to CA MIM. This allows CA MIM across the MIMplex to continue processing.

The MIM2225 API event: This particular API event is triggered when Vary commands initiated by CA MIM are requeued because IEEVARYD is unable to obtain a SYSIEFSD ENQ within 5 seconds.


Causes tape volume dismounts to occur under CA MIA GLOBAL Tape Device Allocation Serialization for Tape Volumes that remain mounted in unallocated MIA-managed tape devices.


Creates a utility that TSO users can invoke to obtain and view the status of a specific QNAME or RNAME enqueue resource within a CA MIM MIMplex environment.


Reports on outstanding tape mounts for CA MIM managed tape devices. It replaces the existing TAPEMNT* sample rules.


The Mainframe Environment Discovery Service MIM (MEDSMIM) is an environmental reporting application used by CA MIM customers. This diagnostic tool greatly reduces the time needed to gather CA MIM complex environmental information. It can also regularly ensure your CA MIM address spaces are setup and running optimally.