This health check samples the rate of messages issued per second. The rate is calculated as a percentage of the MESSAGEMAX parameter, and compared against the threshold value provided as the parameter nn. Exceeding the MESSAGEMAX value can cause a system shutdown, so this health check can contribute to system up-time.

This condition is checked periodically, and will report a medium severity health check exception if the threshold is exceeded.

Best Practice

Review and improve CA OPS/MVS automation applications that issue a high number of operator messages. If nothing can be addressed in the short-term, increasing the value of MESSAGEMAX parameter value. You can also eliminate this health check exception by increasing the value of MESSAGERATE parameter.

Parameters Accepted

Specifies a threshold rate percentage. nnn is a number between 0 and 100, inclusive.

Default: 80

Debug Support


Verbose Support



See the Parameter Reference, and the section Using Message Control Parameters in the Administration Guide.


See the Messages Reference and the chapter "Migration and Upgrade Considerations" in the Installation Guide.


This health check ensures that enough process blocks are available for CA OPS/MVS events or requests.

This is accomplished through the following process:

  1. The PROCESS parameter determines how many process blocks are allocated in the extended private area of the CA OPS/MVS main address space when the CA OPS/MVS address space initializes.
  2. The value of the SSEXEXITHICOUNT parameter indicates the high-water mark for the number of used process blocks.
  3. The percentage of used process blocks is calculated against the PROCESS parameter, which is then measured against the threshold value provided as the parameter.
  4. When an attempt to allocate a process block from the process block pool fails because no process blocks were available, the check provides the number of failed attempts and the date and time of the last failed allocation attempt.

This condition is checked periodically, and reports a medium-severity health check exception if the threshold is exceeded.

Best Practice

Allocating the right number of process blocks is critical. The number cannot be too low, because each event processed by CA OPS/MVS requires its own process block. If a process block is not available, then CA OPS/MVS will not capture or respond to the event, which in turn could lead to undesirable results on your system. Furthermore, setting the value too high has its own implications; the number of process blocks you specify may use so much virtual storage that CA OPS/MVS fails to function correctly.

Parameters Accepted

Specifies a threshold rate percentage. nnn is a number between 0 and 100, inclusive.

Default: 80


Specifies delay between first exception and message informing that problem has not been fixed. nn is a number of hours between 0 and 24, inclusive.

Default: 6

Debug Support


Verbose Support



See the Parameter Reference.


See the Messages Reference and the chapter "Migration and Upgrade Considerations" in the Installation Guide.