Previous Topic: CA OPS/MVS Health ChecksNext Topic: OPSMVS_ALLOC_SYSCHK1


This health check checks to see if you have allocated a data set for OPSLOG use. If it detects a possible loss of historical information, a low-severity Health Check exception is reported and CA OPS/MVS continues normally. This condition is checked periodically.

Best Practice

Make sure you allocate a data set for OPSLOG use. Otherwise, historical information will most certainly be lost. You can activate the OPSLOG facility without allocating a data set, but in that case, log information is kept in storage and becomes subject to periodic overlays as the storage fills up.

Parameters Accepted


Debug Support


Verbose Support



For information on allocating an OPSLOG data set, see the DEFDIV utility and the OPSSPA00 OPS/REXX program. This is further documented in the section Define OPSLOG and Checkpoint VSAM Linear Data Sets in the Installation Guide.


See the Messages Reference and the chapter "Migration and Upgrade Considerations" in the Installation Guide.