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View Detailed Resource Information

The following Details Display panel displays status information for a specific resource:

Group Manager: Resource Details Display--------------------------------- COMMAND ===> Resource information: Group ===> CICS Table ===> GRG_STCTBL Type ===> CICS Resource ===> CICSA Group status information: Name ===> CUR_EQ_DES Priority ===> 258 Quiesced ===> NO Text ===> CICSA IN STATUS CUR_EQ_DES AT 00:45:58 ON 05/30/04 SSM state information: Current ===> UNKNOWN (To set current state to UNKNOWN type S here ===> ) Desired ===> UNKNOWN Mode ===> ________ Missing ===> Prereqs

From this panel you can change the resource's:

To change any of these values, enter new values over those shown on the panel. The current state can only be changed to the unknown state by entering an S in the input field. System State Manager re-determines the correct current state as prescribed by the unknown action in the action table.