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Use z/OS START and STOP Commands

With SSM actively monitoring the resources that are being manually requested to START or STOP, the request must be intercepted and the DESIRED_STATE of the resource set accordingly (UP or DOWN). This informs SSM of the request to change the state of the resource (DS=UP or DS=DOWN), and also ensures that the defined DOWN_UP or UP_DOWN action of the resource is always issued. The supplied SSMSTART and SSMSTOP command rules intercept z/OS START and STOP commands for SSM controlled resources.

With these two rules (or rules created with similar logic) enabled, 'S jobname' and 'P jobname' are the only commands ever needed to manually control any active SSM resource.

To START and STOP an SSM controlled resource

  1. To start an SSM controlled resource, enter the manual command of 'S jobname'.

    The SSM controlled resource starts, within the SSM UP-DOWN action, the true start command of 'S JOBNAME,PARM=XX' would be correctly issued by SSM if needed.

  2. To stop an SSM controlled resource, enter the manual command of 'P DB2MSTR' on an active DB2MSTR region.

    SSMSTOP intercepts the command, sets the DS=DOWN and thus causes SSM to process the specified DOWN_UP action. This action would then invoke the SHUTDB2 OPS/REXX program to initiate the formal DB2 shutdown procedures, all of which was triggered from the manual 'P DB2MSTR' command.

For details on using and implementing this manual intercept method, see the comments within the SSMSTART and SSMTOP rules.