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Use the Group Manager Displays

Group Manger displays let you view resource and resource group information.

To use Group Manager Displays

  1. Select System State Manager from the OPSVIEW primary panel.
  2. Choose option 5 from the Ssytem State Manager Functions panel to view the resource and resource group information displayed on Group Manager panels.

    The Main Menu of the Group Manager appears.

    Group Manager --------------------- Main Menu --------------------------------- COMMAND ===> ------------------------------ Individual Resources --------------------------- _ Specify which systems you want to monitor _ Specify which groups you want to monitor and their position on the display ------------------------------ Individual Parameters -------------------------- Refresh the monitor display every 15_ seconds. -------------------------------- Global Resources ----------------------------- _ Specify group membership on system ===> ________ _ Specify group status selection on system ===> ________ _ Specify status definitions (colors, text, etc.) on system ===> ________ _ Synchronize with the StateMan table definitions on system ===> ________ To select any option, type S beside it and press ENTER. Press ENTER with no options selected to enter the monitor display

  3. Choose one of the options from the Main Menu by typing an S beside it and pressing the Enter key.

    You receive one of the following panels:

If you select...

The following happens...

Specify which systems you want to monitor

You see the System Selection List panel

Specify which groups you want to monitor

You see the Group Selection/Ordering panel

Enter, that is, if you press Enter without selecting any Main Menu options

You see the Group Display panel

Specify group membership

The CA OPS/MVS table editor is entered for table SSM_GROUP_MEMBERS

Specify group status selection

The CA OPS/MVS table editor is entered for table SSM_GROUP_STSEL

Specify status definitions

The CA OPS/MVS table editor is entered for table SSM_GROUP_STDEF

Synchronize with Stateman table definitions

A message is displayed on the main menu panel indicating that System State Manager has been told to rebuild the current status table