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Test Maintenance of Desired States

To test how well SSM keeps a resource in its desired state, perform these steps:

  1. Start a started task and verify that the current state and desired state are set to UP.
  2. Simulate the task abending by entering the z/OS command to stop the resource. Use the command STOP taskname if the task usually requires a P taskname command.

    The STOP command will bypass the command trapping rules, causing the desired state not to be set to DOWN.

  3. When the task ends, verify that SSM restarts it.

    A restart should take place because initially you set current state and desired state to UP, and then the STOP taskname command triggered a rule that changed the current state of the task to DOWN. This mismatch of current state (DOWN) and desired state (UP) should cause SSM to dispatch the action needed to restore the task to its desired state.