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Select a Rule Type

EasyRule lets you create many different types of rules. The Rule Type Selection panel lets you easily choose the type of rule to create.

To select a rule type

  1. If you specified the member name for a new rule on the EasyRule primary panel, the Rule Type Selection panel appears. EasyRule provides a main menu for each type of rule.

    EasyRule --------------------------------------------------------------------- OPTION ===> R U L E T Y P E S E L E C T I O N 1 MSG - Create Message Event Rule 2 CMD - Create Command Event Rule 3 GLV - Create Global Variable Event Rule 4 TOD - Create Time-Of-Day Event Rule 5 OMG - Create OMEGAMON Event Rule 6 DOM - Create Delete-Operator-Message Event Rule 7 EOJ - Create End-of-Job Event Rule 8 EOM - Create End-Of-Memory Event Rule 9 EOS - Create End-Of-Step Event Rule 10 TLM - Create Time-Limit-Exceeded Event Rule 11 USS - Create Unix Systems Services (USS) Message Event Rule

    If you specified an existing rule on the EasyRule primary panel, EasyRule bypasses the panel shown above and takes you directly to the series of panels you can use to modify the rule.

  2. Enter the code into the Option field. For example, if you want to create a message rule, enter 1 in the Rule Type Selection panel.

    The Message Rule Main Menu appears. A sample is shown here:

    EasyRule --------------------------------------------------------------------- OPTION ===> M E S S A G E R U L E M A I N M E N U 1 MESSAGE ID - Specify the ID of the message(s) to be processed 2 DOCUMENTATION - Add comments to this Rule 3 CONDITIONS - Supply additional criteria for this Rule to fire 4 ACTIONS - Take action with respect to the message(s) 5 INITIALIZATION - One-time initialization done when Rule is ENABLEd 6 TERMINATION - Specify actions to be taken when Rule is DISABLEd

    The rule type of Message Rule is selected and you are ready to specify a primary event for your rule.