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RDSCREEN termname

This command returns the entire virtual terminal screen as multiple output lines. The first output line is the operator information area, which is the status line at the bottom of the display screen. The remaining lines are the contents of the screen starting with the top row.

Note: This command runs synchronously in AOF rules and will return data in the external data queue.

In the following example, the SUBATTR and SUBUNPT commands affect which characters are used as substitutes for attribute bytes and unprintable characters:

MSGID ON RDSCREEN TERM4 OPS3581I OPS3581I -------------- ISPF/PDF PRIMARY OPTION MENU --------------------- OPS3581I OPTION ===> OPS3581I _ OPS3581I USERID - TSOUSER OPS3581I 0 ISPF PARMS - Specify terminal and user parameters TIME - 15:35 OPS3581I 1 BROWSE - Display source data or output listings TERM - 3278 OPS3581I 2 EDIT - Create or change source data PF KEYS - 24 OPS3581I 3 UTILITIES - Perform utility functions OPS3581I 4 FOREGROUND - Invoke language processors in foreground OPS3581I 5 BATCH - Submit job for language processing OPS3581I 6 COMMAND - Enter TSO command or CLIST OPS3581I 7 DIALOG TEST - Perform dialog testing OPS3581I C CHANGES - Display summary of changes for this release OPS3581I T TUTORIAL - Display information about ISPF/PDF OPS3581I X EXIT - Terminate ISPF using log and list defaults OPS3581I OPS3581I OPS3581I OPS3581I OPS3581I OPS3581I OPS3581I Enter END command to terminate ISPF. OPS3581I Return code: 0 - Normal completion. 4 - RDSCREEN command not executed. A warning message was issued. Virtual terminal is not defined. Virtual terminal is disabled.

This command places the screen contents into the REXX external data queue, one line per screen row. The first line in the external data queue is the operator information area line (the bottom status line on a real terminal). Screen row 1 is returned as line 2 in the queue, screen row 2 as line 3, and so on. The number of lines added to the data queue equals the number of screen rows plus one.

Due to the MSGID OFF command, these lines will not be prefaced with the OPSnnnn message ID.