Previous Topic: Alerts Generated from CA OPS/MVSNext Topic: Alert Type Parameter

OPNFALRT REXX Function—Generate Alerts

CA OPS/MVS generates alerts through an OPS/REXX function called OPNFALRT. OPNFALRT accepts parameters, generates an NMVT, and passes the alert to NetView using the NetView program-to-program interface (PPI).

The OPNFALRT function is available in both rules and REXX programs. It is not available uner TSO/E REXX.

Note: If your data center runs CA products that use CA GSS, you should be aware that CA GSS Versions 2.5 and above have a NETVIEW function that operates exactly like the OPNFALRT function.

The REXX code for calling the OPNFALRT function has the following syntax:

rc = OPNFALRT(alerttype,

Specifies the type of alert to be generated.


Describes the condition for the alert.

probcause1, probcause2,...

Describes the probable cause for the problem.

action1, action2,...

Lets you specify actions to correct the problem.


Specifies all system resources relating to the problem.


Lets you specify up to 136 bytes of arbitrary text.

Example: OPSFALTR function

This sample code demonstrates the use of OPNFALRT:

/* rexx */
rc = OPNFALRT('PERF',,         /* Performance alert */
              'X1111',,        /* Code point 1111 for description*/
              'IODEVICE',,     /* Probable cause is an IODEVICE */
              'X2111;VARYOFF',,/* First action is code point 2111*/
                               /* second action is VARY OFFLINE */
              'IMSPROD IMS DASD721 DASD',,
                               /* hierarchy includes IMS and DASD*/
              'Alert detected and processed by CA OPS/MVS')
                                /* text message */
if word(rc,1)  0 then,
  say 'Return code from OPNFALRT was' word(rc,1)
  say subword(rc,2)