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POKE termname row col poketext

Use this command to modify virtual terminal screen buffer contents.

Note: Row zero (the Operator Information Area line) cannot be updated with POKE under the EPI.

WARNING! This host command can wreak havoc with the 3270 terminal protocols. It is intended solely for debugging purposes.

The operand Poketext is a REXX hex-string in quotes. The value is the actual 3278 buffer code. See the note about 3278 buffer code in the PEEK command above. The following example pokes the string READY at row 22, column 2:

POKE TERM4 22 2 "D9 C5 C1 C4 E8 20"x
  0 - Normal completion.
  4 - POKE command was not executed. A warning message was issued.
      Virtual terminal is not defined.
      Virtual terminal is disabled.
 12 - POKE command failed. An error message was issued.
      Invalid row/column/length specified for screen size.