Previous Topic: ENQ termname [TEST|WAIT|NOWAIT]Next Topic: LIST [termname|ALL|*]


This host command is helpful before you use the TYPE command to ensure that the virtual keyboard is not locked (the Input Inhibited indicator is off). A TYPE command issued when the virtual keyboard is locked is usually rejected (the TYPE !RESET and TYPE !ATTN being the notable exceptions). If you specify neither WAIT nor NOWAIT, NOWAIT is assumed. When you specify NOWAIT, the current state of the input inhibit flag is returned immediately. When WAIT is coded, the issuing program will be placed into a wait until the external product turns off input inhibited.

Note: If you want to force the input inhibit light off, you can issue a TYPE command as follows:

TYPE termname !RESET

This resets the input inhibited indicator. It is possible, however, that the external product will immediately turn the indicator back on.

Note: This command is not allowed in any AOF rules with the exception of request rules.

An example of the command and its associated return codes follows:

Return code:
  0 - Input is not inhibited.
  1 - Input is inhibited.
      Most scancodes (except !RESET) will not work.
  4 - virtual terminal is not defined.
 12 - virtual terminal is not enabled.
    - INQINPUT command failed.

You can use the LIST host command to get a list of all or selected virtual terminals before you issue control commands.