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How to Use This Guide

This guide provides information and data that can help you learn how to automate your data center with the CA OPS/MVS product. It provides this information with varying levels of complexity and detail.

The target audience for this guide is any data center automation personnel. It is written so that data center automaters with varying degrees of experience and knowledge can use its content.

Portions of this guide are written sequentially so that users with little knowledge or experience can start at the beginning with CA OPS/MVS basics and, in order of lessons, learn about topics with ever increasing complexity. This also enables users with higher, varying levels of system automation proficiencies to learn about individual, selected topics as single, usable portions of the whole.

Other portions of this guide conform to the more standard, user-guide format. They present reference information about CA OPS/MVS facilities that enable you to powerfully and efficiently design and implement your own system automation blueprint.

If you have little or no experience, start at the beginning of the chapter “How to Begin Using the Product” and proceed as far as you are comfortable. If you already have experience with CA OPS/MVS and want to learn about a specific tool or concept that is explained with a step-by-step lesson, choose that topic from the table of contents (or index) and follow the guide from the point indicated, as long as appropriate. Note that, if appropriate, each lesson refers you to the correct reference section with a corresponding topic.