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Access and Use Help Glossary Panels

On most of the EasyRule standard help panels, you can enter G in the Option field to access the EasyRule glossary.

To access and use the EasyRule glossary

  1. Enter G in the Option field to access the EasyRule glossary.

    The following sample help glossary displays:

    EasyRule ------------------------ GLOSSARY --------------------------- Tutorial COMMAND ===> DESCRIPTOR CODES: Two-digit values that indicate the means of message presentation and message deletion on display devices. 1 System Failure 8 Out-of-Line Message 2 Immediate Action Required 9 Operator Request 3 Eventual Action Required 10 Dynamic Status Display 4 System Status 11 Critical eventual 5 Immediate Command Response action requested 6 Job Status 12-16 Reserved for 7 Application program/processor; future use message is to be deleted when issuing task is terminated Codes 1-6 and 11 are mutually exclusive. Codes 7-10 can be assigned in combination with any other code.

    Help glossary panels are arranged in alphabetical order. Typically, when you access the glossary, you are not positioned at its beginning.

  2. Take these actions on help glossary panels: