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Enable or Disable an Entire Rule Set

This exercise illustrates the interaction between the Set auto-enable and Enable commands.

These steps use Enable and Disable commands on the Rule Set screen to enable or disable all the rules in a rule set. Rule sets do not have a group Enabled indicator. The Enable or Disable operations you use change the settings of all the individual members of the rule data set.

To enable or disable an entire rule set

  1. Identify the rule set that you want to enable or disable. Use a test rule set, rather than a production set, to avoid harmful effects on your system automation. On the Rule Set List panel, look for the name of the target rule set. The Status field immediately to the right of each rule set name provides information about the rules in that rule set:
  2. To disable all the rules in the set, type D to the left of the name of the rule set and press Enter.

    Disable works unconditionally on all the rules in the rule data set.

  3. To enable all the rules in the set, type A to the left of the name of the rule set and press Enter, then type E to the left of the name of the rule set and press Enter.

    Enable works on rules in the set that have their Auto-enable bit set, therefore, to enable all the rules, ensure that the Auto-enable bit is set for all rules.

Note: This exercise destroys the auto-enable status of individual rules in the rule set on which you practice. Use a test rule data set for the exercise to avoid damaging a production rule data set.