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How EasyRule Builds Rules

EasyRule is comprised of numerous fill-in-the-blanks panels. As you create your rule, EasyRule keeps track of the entries you make on each panel.

Note: Your entries will include information such as events, conditions, and actions that affect the execution of the rule.

When you finish making entries on the panels, EasyRule generates the rule as OPS/REXX code (in mixed case) and retains it in memory. On the final EasyRule panel you encounter, you must choose to take one of these actions for the new rule:

You can also determine whether you want the rule to be modifiable with EasyRule, whether you intend to include user-written code in the rule, or both.

If you choose to save the rule, you can then enable, test, and disable it as you would any other rule.

Finally, you can move the rule to the production environment.